November 7, 2013

Last night my blog passed the 100,000 all-time views mark, which feels like a pretty cool (if ultimately fairly meaningless) accomplishment. The lucky 100,000th visitor will receive…….absolutely nothing of course, mostly because I have no way to figure out who they were. But that person and the 99,999 that came before have my thanks and appreciation at the very least.

I started this blog in 2010 thinking that I would blog about software development and beer. I quickly learned that although I love craft beer, I had absolutely no ability to describe a beer’s flavor and aroma in any sort of meaningful terms. As far as I was concerned, it was either tasty or not tasty. So the blog became 100% software development and my beer hobby became solely about drinking and enjoying, and later brewing as well. (I currently have a Honey Bee Ale in the fermenter that will be ready to enjoy just before Christmas.)

What I can say is that this blog has done a tremendous amount to advance my career, so if you are a junior developer thinking about starting a blog, don’t think about it, just do it. You will become a better writer, and learn things better through the process of explaining them to others. Then one day, it may help land you a great job or opportunity that may not have been available to you otherwise.

OK that’s it, I promised myself this post would not become a long-winded “why blogging is awesome” post.

So thank you to everyone for sharing in this arbitrary milestone with me. I hope that if you have found yourself here you have found something worthwhile. If not, leave me a comment and maybe I can do something about it!
